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5 must-have visitor attraction insights

Visitor attractions fall into one of two categories – they are either rich with data that needs plenty of intertwining and head scratching, or, they have very little data at all.

Data provides insights that can help to better understand your guests, your market and your attraction – giving you the ammunition to improve performance. Financial, or otherwise. Here’s 5 must-have visitor attraction insights you should have to hand.

#1 – Existing guest experience

Post-visit surveys, Trip Advisor reviews and NPS score are rudimentary ways to gain the opinion of guests. They both, however, fall into the same problem – only getting the opinion of those who loved it, and those who hated it. The golden nuggets to improve your attraction are in the middle. But how do you get to them?

Extensive primary research and guest observation may offer additional insight, and one other tool we offer at Katapult is a Guest Experience Audit. An impartial visit to your attraction that records emotions, experiences and thoughts to delve deeper into the positives and negatives of your attractions.

#2 – Guest behaviour

Guest behaviour provides the benchmark to score and improve your attraction. From #1, you will understand how individual guests interact with your attraction, but as a group, how do they react?

What time do they arrive and how long do they stay for? Who and how many people they visit with? What do they spend visiting your attraction? How far away they live or are staying in accommodation? Get these metrics nailed to gain a holistic view of your current performance.

#3 – Your competition

Everyone can point to a ‘similar’ attraction 20 miles down the road and claim that this is there main competitor, but consumers are complex and don’t view you so binary. For example, a guest who decides to go to the cinemas on a rainy day, may have planned to visit a theme park but for the bad weather.

What about children in school holidays that choose to stay at home and play on their XBox all-day, instead of visiting an aquarium? Competition is more than just attractions like you. Understanding everything your potential guests see as ‘competition’ is pivotal to build a great visitor attraction offer. This is something Katapult can help with via our Market Insights Report.

#4 – Market and consumer trends

On a macro and micro scale, what are the future market and consumer trends that are going to effect you? Brewery and Distillery experiences, for example, are facing a growing teetotal society. In the UK, this continues to grow beyond 20% of the population (13.6 million).

Knowing these trends isn’t about mitigation planning, its about seizing the future opportunity. If your witnessing a fundamental change in the lives of your potential visitors’ lives, you need to know next how you are going to react.

#5 – Operational efficiency

Offering your guests the best experience possible, starts with some number crunching. How many guests can you realistically fit into your attraction? What are your most popular experiences? What % are likely to want food or drink while they are visiting? Do you have staff capacity to make guests feel safe and welcome while achieving operational efficiency?

This is where our Throughput Analysis can help understand your experience capacity and recommendations to improve your attraction as your visitor numbers rise too.

Your visitor attraction insights

Whether you are a new, existing or expanding attraction, we can help you with your visitor attraction insights. Our suite of reports are flexible to meet your particular requirements and support you in making decisions to improve your visitor attraction.

For more information and inspiration on visitor attraction insights, follow our Insights Lead Robbie Jones on LinkedIn, or contact the team directly.

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